1. What is an FTP?
  2. Set up an Auto-Upload via FTP
  3. Edit FTP Server Settings
  4. Delete FTP Server
  5. Testing your FTP connection
  6. Add Upload List Details
  7. Need more help?



FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used to transfer files from one program or location to another program or location. FTP is used to get data into MarketTraq.

This process is best automated when you have recurring file uploads.

Common examples:

  • Import new subscribers to an existing list
  • Import new data about subscribers already in MTE
  • Create a new list in MTE Automatically
  • Update an existing list in MTE Automatically



Step 1 - Navigate to the Auto-Upload via FTP screen

Click on the Lists tab to open the drop-down menu and select Auto-Upload via FTP.


Step 2 - Select your Brand

Select the Brand. Remember, Brands are purely for organizational purposes.


Step 3 - Add New FTP Information

Click Add New FTP Information to add a new FTP server (see above image).


Step 4 - Add details about the FTP Server

Fill in the details about your FTP Server and Click Save.


FTP Server Name: Name of the FTP server may not always be the same as your domain name.

Host: The host in FTP is the server you are publishing to. Use Endai's host name:

Port: a port is an application-specific or process-specific software construct serving as a communications endpoint in a computer's host operating system. ports are denoted by a number. Unless you specifically know your port #, please use the default of 21.

Login: This is your server's UserName.

Password: This is your server's Password.

Be sure that the FTP user (the login/username) has read/write access.

Step 5 - Add the Upload Details

[Click to magnify image.]

Directory: This tells the FTP where your files are located on your server.

File Name: The name of your file. Use the * (wildcard character) to let us know to grab ANY FILE NAME.

Other lists: You can choose to duplicate email addresses from other lists upon the upload. Remember that if you send to one or more list, any duplicate email addresses will only receive one email.

Resubscribe: If a user has unsubscribed from this list or another list, you may choose to either suppress this email from uploading or subscribe it to the list.

Reset Bounces: We highly recommend this remain at NO. Bounce data is very helpful information, and it can be used in many ways to help you segment your lists/determine list health. Only select YES if you want to erase this data.

Subscriber Data:

  • Leave all existing data alone ( i.e add only new subscribers and their data)
  • Merge data to add new fields (i.e. First Name) without overwriting existing fields
  • Overwrite existing fields (i.e. update a field with latest information collected for the subscriber)
  • Refresh all of the subscriber information. This deletes your current list and REPLACES it with the uploaded list.

Delimiter: Select the delimiter type used on your upload file.

Hint: .TXT Tab delimited file is the preferred file type as they are less likely to break.

IMPORTANT: Once you have entered your upload details do NOT forget to save.



Step 1 - Click on FTP Server Settings located in Actions

Select the FTP Server Settings tab under Actions to change your settings.

[Click image to magnify.]

Step 2 - Change FTP settings

You will be brought to the same screen you used to fill in the FTP Server Name, Host, Port, Login, and Password, which you can see here. Here, you can change your settings accordingly.



Step 1 - Select Delete FTP Server

Select Delete FTP Server under Actions to delete the FTP server. A pop-up box will appear asking if you are sure you wish to delete the server. Be careful - you cannot recover the server once deleted.



Step 2 - Select Test Connection

Select Test Connection under Actions to run a test on a FTP server.


Step 3 - Check Test Results 

After Test Connection is selected a results screen will pop up. Each result will be on a single line, so you'll have to use the scroll bar to view all the results. If the result is a PASS then your FTP was set up correctly.

If the result was FAIL then check your FTP settings. If you are experiencing difficulty please open an MTE Support Ticket.

Step 4 - File Format

After an upload is complete, you will receive an email with the list details.

If everything works correctly, we change the file name to FILE_NAME.EXT.done.

If the file name is FILE_NAME.EXT.proc, it means that the file is being processed.

If you still see the file without anything appended to the file name, then MarketTraq hasn't started the process yet.

If there is an error, the file name changes to FILE_NAME.EXT.error. If this happens, you should try to upload the file again.

Step 5 - File Names

The file name should be the list name that you are uploading to. If the names are different, MarketTraq Email will create a new list.

If the list name contains a space, replace it with a plus (+) in the file name. For example, if your list name is "First Time Purchasers" you would put "First+Time+Purchasers".



Step 1 - Select Add upload Details

Select Add Upload List Details under Actions.

Step 2 - Add upload Details 

This will bring you to the same form you were brought to on Step 5 of Set up an Auto-Upload via FTP.



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Please reach out to the the MTE Support Team by posting a comment, submitting a Support Ticket, or calling our 24/7 help line at 877-681-9255.