All emails sent via MarketTraq will now have some additional code added to the header that will allow ISPs to display an unsubscribe link within their email software.  Clients do not need to make any modifications.  This change has been implemented to help with Gmail deliverability.


Using Gmail as an example:

With the List-Unsubscribe header, Gmail users can now register a complaint and unsubscribe at the same time, whereas without the List-Unsubscribe header, users are only given the option to “Report spam” - without  feedback consistently sent back to MarketTraq.  If the Gmail user chooses to “Unsubscribe and report spam”, an email notification will be sent to MarketTraq and the complaining subscriber will automatically be removed from the list and marked as abuse.

In addition, with the List-Unsubscribe header, Gmail subscribers will be presented with another option to unsubscribe from the emails without registering a complaint.  This option is found by clicking on the downward-facing arrow underneath the from line of an open message, which then brings up the details box.  This feature is only available if the sender is using the List-Unsubscribe header.

One thing to note with Gmail - the list unsubscribe will only appear if the sender's reputation is good.  

This change was made June 2013.


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