A rescue email is also known as a Cart Abandonment Email. In the E-commerce business it is common for individuals to add items to a cart and not complete a transaction. MarketTraq has software that automatically rescues a customers abandoned cart. We call this feature SitePreserver. SitePreserver saves the info of a customer's abandoned cart(s) along with their user email. It then automatically sends a targeted message to the user encouraging them to go back to the website and check out. This way SitePreserver rescues abandoned carts. If you want to implement SitePreserver, open up a ticket to contact us.



For SitePreserver to work, an email must be captured or associated with the visit. The following criteria must occur:

  • The guest must reach a point where an email is captured OR
  • A returning customer is logged in

The following should be heavily encouraged:

  • Use a cookie to auto log in returning visitors 
  • Encourage signup or login behavior
  • Ask for an email early in the checkout process  
  • The user must have an item in the cart

SitePreserver does not recreate a customer's cart. It is a best practice for the site to store the cart information of their users for as long as possible to ensure that the items in the cart are still there for the customer purchase. This creates a better User Experience and, since the desired items are stored for the future, it also leads to a higher conversion rate.




The message of your rescue email should be consistent with your brand identity standards. This includes using the proper tone, voice, dialogue you typically have with your customers. Clearly state the purpose of the email. The purpose of this email is to get the customer to return and buy their cart. 


Sometimes an offer is just what a customer needs to make a conversion from an abandoned cart. An offer is something that creates value for the recipient. The stronger the offer the more effective your campaign. Some common ways of strengthening an offer:

  • promotional discounts (i.e., "Buy 2 get 50% off!")
  • value add (i.e., get a free gift)
  • exclusivity (i.e., "early access", "be the first to have", "before anyone else")
  • Premium upgrade

Call to Action (CTA)

This is the primary action that you want the customer to take. If the recipient clicks on the call to action (CTA) the email is a success. This should be made prominent and should have its own space on the email where it is not cluttered or hidden by anything else on the email.

Landing Page

The landing page you direct customers to should keep the "scent" of what was described in the email. Your SitePreserver email should direct the customer to a landing page that is closely aligned with "rescuing" the abandoned cart. Ideally, this means directing them to the cart page. As mentioned above, it is a best practice to store the cart session for as long as possible to ensure the contents of that persons cart are shown. If, however, the cart information expires, the cart is still probably the best landing page - we just suggest some best practices when showing an "empty cart".  It is best if your empty cart page offers options to purchase based on purchasing or browsing history. It is not as beneficial for the customer to go to an empty cart without a call to action to fill the cart.

Google Analytics link tracking 

Step 1 - Import an approved SitePreserver Creative

Step 2 - Manually Tag all creative links with GA (this is done because SitePresever emails are sent through a different server).



Messaging: Use of emotive language to provoke an emotional response from the user. The Client also creates a sense of urgency to convince the prospective customer to complete checkout. 

Offer: Reminding the customer their cart was abandoned (not a strong offer).

CTA: They place there Call To Action in its own designated spot on the creative where it is clear and prominent for the user to see. This CTA makes use of high contrast, and negative space.

Other: This is a simple and effective creative which causes it to load quickly on computers and mobile devices.

Nec Cloth



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